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This Week: The engineering behind plant-based meat - Getting your bar ahead of the moderation trend - The growth of gluten-free - and more.

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Making waves: Six women carving up the Australian food scene

Ahead of International Women's Day on Sunday, here are six stars you need to meet. - goodfood.com.au


SEO important for outback towns, so travellers can google where they're going

Queensland's tourism boss says SEO — search engine optimisation — was a main focus this year for remote councils and tourism operators. - abc.net.au


A flavour expert explains the engineering behind plant-based meat

What is really inside that plant-based burger? Many recipes rely on complex layers of flavour and texture engineering that are designed to fit together like a Rube Goldberg machine. - forbes.com


Getting your bar ahead of the moderation trend

Consumers are increasingly becoming aware of everything they are putting into their bodies, and this has seen a global shift across food and drinks towards ‘better-for-you’ products. - barsclubs.com.au


The growth of gluten-free

It’s estimated 1 in 70 Australians live with coeliac disease and 12 per cent of the population avoid wheat and/or gluten. The figures have steadily increased over the years and show no sign of slowing down. - hospitalitymagazine.com.au


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