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This week: Waiters and chefs among top 10 jobs to be in most demand in next five years - The secret to successfully opening a bar - Restaurant rules to live by in 2019 - and more.

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Waiters and chefs among top 10 jobs to be in most demand in next five years

According to the 2019 Australian Jobs report, waiters and chefs are among the top 10 projected most in-demand jobs for the next five years. - foodservicenews.com.au


'Say that again': Are noisy restaurants ruining eating out?

Exposed wall and roof, concrete floor, hard timber furnishing and thumping music – a modern restaurant can be a noisy place. And according to a man known as the "Taste Professor", the hard surfaces are leading to noisier restaurants – and worse-tasting food. - goodfood.com.au 


3 ways chefs can offer high-end experiences at a fast casual price

Thinking of today's consumers, we are seeing a drastic desire for better at an affordable cost. You'd think the two are polar opposites and can't coexist, but restaurants are making it happen and giving customers an elevated experience at a fast-casual price. - fastcasual.com


What’s the secret to successfully opening a bar?

It’s a conversation many (non-industry) people will have had, the old “let’s open a bar” chat because people think it’s as simple as picking a location, buying the booze, choosing some food and opening the door. - barsclubs.com.au


Restaurant rules to live by in 2019

The new, improved, sustainable, organic, free-range, line-caught, locally sourced rules of restaurants. - goodfood.com.au


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