Freedom Fuels Choose SwiftPOS – Fuel POS

In the last month our dedicated re-seller Quickfuel has just completed the roll out of the chain or Freedom Fuels sites throughout Australia.

Freedom Fuels has chosen to upgrade to SwiftPOS from their previous legacy Fuel POS software products they now get the added marketing and loyalty features and functionality to move forward after being stuck on an older product with older database structure. and local support with the backing of a large global company.

SwiftPOS, Queensland’s premium provider of point-of-sale solutions to the Fuel industry, were selected to deploy their latest POS  solution throughout the 80+ Freedom Fuels venues.

The Freedom Fuels Group were looking for a POS Partner to deliver a reliable and capable platform to ensure their members are not disappointed, with local support and an ongoing development program to allow for future advancement in their growth.

“SwiftPOS engaged in deep level consultation with the key internal stakeholders. As a result of this they have delivered and implemented in a manner that has been seamless, in full, on time and on budget an integrated POS system and Marketing platform that has exceeded our project scope. We are very happy with this process and the end results”

“SwiftPOS are delighted to be chosen by Freedom Fuels as their POS partner. Our solution has been a quick and easy replacement for the first few weeks of operation before the holiday period. SwiftPOS look forward to keeping a happy customer long term.” said G Day, Director of SwiftPOS. 

For more information regarding our POSTEC or enabler fuel integration give SwiftPOS or our Fuel reseller Quickfuel a call please visit

We look forward to a long lasting relationship with one of our newest customers in the Freedom Fuels Group and SwiftPOS Fuel POS.

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