Top Tips to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Your Fridge or Freezer

The energy efficiency of a refrigerator is based on the energy it consumes per annum for a specific size. It is expressed in the volume cooled per unit of electric energy consumed per day.

Most of the energy used by a refrigerator is consumed to pump heat out of the fridge’s cabinet. From this energy, a trivial amount of energy is used to prevent the cabinet from sweating to defrost the refrigerator, as well as to illuminate the refrigerator’s interior.

Having an energy-efficient commercial refrigerator will help you save on costs in the long run. Though upgrading to an energy-star certified appliance for potential energy savings is crucial, you can also consider the following top tips to increase the efficiency of your commercial freezer, which will also improve the overall functioning and performance:

Replacement of the rubber seal on your fridge’s door

The rubber seal is used for insulation purposes. It prevents heat exchange between the ambient air and the refrigerator. This lining is also called a gasket, and this seal protects your refrigerator from any unwanted warm air entering it. The gasket tends to weaken over a few years. If this happens, your refrigerator will use more energy to maintain the temperature, which means higher utility bills. Therefore, it is important to regularly check that the seal is fully intact, and the sealing is tight, or replace it, if needed.

Clean up your fridge’s condenser coils

When it comes to removing the warmth from your cooler, the condenser coils play a crucial role. When the underside or back coils turn dusty, the efficiency of your freezer and refrigerator tend to reduce, leading to higher energy consumption. Use bristle brushes to clean your refrigerator and freezer condenser coils to get rid of the dirt build-up and drastically improve the energy efficiency of your fridge.

Place the refrigerator away from potential heat sources

Your fridge’s compressor regulates the temperature within. This includes using more energy to maintain the temperature, especially when it is near an appliance that uses heat. Whether it is the stovetop, oven, or dishwasher, try to place your refrigerator away from all these appliances. This could be difficult in places like a restaurant kitchen, but it can increase the lifespan of your refrigerator and reduce bills.

Keep the fridge doors closed

To significantly reduce energy usage, keep your doors closed most of the time. Opening the fridge’s doors often can result in cool air escaping, in turn needing more energy to bring back the appliance’s temperature to appropriate levels.

Check the inside temperature

Save your energy bills significantly by maintaining the fridge’s appropriate temperature. For your refrigerator to work efficiently, set your refrigerator temperature between 2 to 8°C and the freezer’s temperature to -18 to -22°C. If your fridge does not provide the right temperature readings, setting your refrigeration system to the midpoint displayed on the temperature dial can do the needful.

Remove all clutter

Reducing the number of food items on the top shelves, such as huge food boxes and dishes, as well as organising them, is important to avoid higher operation cost and thereby improving your fridge’s efficiency. Proper organisation makes it easy to grab the food items as and when required. This reduces.

Commercial refrigerators and freezers are among the most common energy-consuming appliances in any business that requires it. However, the amount of energy consumption is often overlooked as these appliances are a necessity and many are unaware that it is possible to improve energy efficiency. A ten-year old refrigerator or freezer can cost an individual more money than the price they might pay for a brand-new, energy-efficient model of a trusted brand like Vave Australia. Moreover, the latest design of compressors and cooling coils, improved insulation, tighter refrigerator door seals, as well as other advancements in designs of components, all have a huge impact on the latest models, making them energy efficient.

Benefits of Efficient Commercial Fridges and Freezers

The key benefit of energy-efficient fridges and freezers is improved energy efficiency. This has socio-economic merits in terms of increased energy security, as well as environmental benefits. Environmental benefits include reduced GHG emissions, and lesser impact of electricity generation. Additionally, energy efficient refrigerators can lead to increased cost-savings for the user over the life cycle of the appliance. These GHG emissions have savings associated with energy efficiency improvements of refrigerators that further depend on the CO2 intensity of the electricity mix.

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